About us


LSI is the abbreviation of “Local Societies Initiative”. LSI Munich is part of a world wide network interested in transdisciplinary discussions about science and religion, sponsored e.g. by the Metanexus Institute and the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde ESG LMU Munich.We are cooperating with scientists of a variety of universities and institutes, recruiting top natural scientists for the dialogue with religion and theology, and top religious and theological scholars for the dialogue with natural sciences.


According to those programmatic ideals and to the interests of the members of LSI Munich our activities focus on topics around neuroscience, evolution, archaeology and cosmology.We will pursue these issues by organizing conferences and by inviting lecturers to public discussions. The lectures of our two international conferences, Bios - Cultus - Religio and Psyche - Thanatos - Immortalitas, will be published in 2011 in the series “Internationale Archäologie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Tagung, Symposium, Kongress (IA-ASTK)”, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westfalen.


Both universities of Munich , the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) and the Technische Universitaet (TUM), are ranking among the top universities of Germany . Munich has also a large number of Institutes of the well-renowned Max-Planck-Society. There is a special campus for biology, chemistry and genetics in Martinsried (in the southern part of the outskirts of Munich and a campus for physics, mathematics, informatics and mechanical engineering in Garching (in the northern part of the outskirts of Munich . Near both locations world wide operating companies have settled e.g. the General Electrics European headquarters for research. Therefore we face enormous challenges for transdisciplinary dialogues about science and religion. We want to continue our work and start enlarging our group with members of both universities (LMU, TUM) and the institutes of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in order to enhance mutual collaboration and synergetic effects.


If you are interested in further information, or if you like to join our activities,
please do not hesitate to contact: Dr. Peter Marinkovic (peter.marinkovic@esg.uni-muenchen.de)
or Prof. Dr. Amei Lang (amei.lang@lrz.uni-muenchen.de).


bios, cultus, religio
psyche, tanathos, immortalitas
Metanexus prize.
About us

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