In this section we are planning a public lecture and seminar about the theory of evolution in scientific,
 philosophical and theological perspective in January 2006, and an international symposium
in March 2006, titled “bios – cultus – religio”.
1. “Theories of evolution – a critical review”, 14.01.2006, Munich
In January 2006 we organized a public lecture and a seminar about questions of evolution in biological,
philosophical and theological perspectives in Munich - with Prof. DrHans-Christian Schmidbaur, Institute of Dogmatics, 
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano/Schweiz. Biologists, paleoanthropologists and philosophers from
the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and the Technical University of Munich contributed as well.
2. Symposium “bios – cultus – religio”, 10.-11.03.2006, Munich
 Since July 2004 we are arranging a symposium for March 10th and 11th 2006.
We want to discuss the relationships between the biological perspectives on the evolution
of mankind and the beginning and development of culture and religion in history. 
Therefore there will be special focuses on biology, anthropology, archaeology and religious sciences.

 On one hand the development of human beings should be discussed, especially insights from biological and anthropological studies. On the other hand the beginning and development of cultural and religious utterances of mankind should be focused on, especially in connection with the remnants of the cultural and religious materials that modern archaeology has brought to light. In two specific religious fields, the cultic systems of sacrifice and funeral, samples will be examined from perspectives of archaeology and religious studies.

 The programme consists of the following lectures (publication is planned).

 Anthropology and cultural-religious evolution

 “The biological development of human beings“
“Hominisation – from the beginnings”
“Cultural evolution in archaeological perspective”
“The beginning of religion – definitions and developments”

 Samples I: Funerals and the cult of the ancestors

“The first graves - Funerals in Palaeolithic”
“Funerals and the cult of the ancestors in Ancient Near East”

 Samples II: Sacrifice
“Sacrifice in archaeological perspective”
“Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East”

 Final Panel


Conference, 8.-10. April 2005, in cooperation with Evangelische Akademie Tutzing



